I have baked this butter cake yesterday, receipe is taken from this receipe book called " Fruity Cakes" from Alex Goh. In this book, there are 2 method to bake butter cake and i used separate egg white method. in case u are wondering the 1st pic (from left), this is the combined mixture after i blend the butter mixture and egg white mixture to it. its looks like doufoo?! i had doubt it will succeed ( my butter cake always end up hard or dry). but in this case, it looks springy and nice! :)
I myself ate a few pieces. Maybe find 1 night after work, i bake again for my colleagues :)
Heres the receipe from Alex Goh's book.
Ingredient (A)
1. 250g butter
2. 200g sugar ( can reduce accordingly, i reduce to 160g)
Ingredient (B)
1. 4 eggs
Ingredient (C)
1. 220g flour ( i reduce to 200g)
2. 1/2 tsp baking powder ( can use double action baking powder also)
1. Cream (A) till light and fluffy
2. Add (B) slowly and cream till smooth and light
3. Sieve in (C) and mix until well blended ( dont overmix!)
4. grease and line the baking mould. pour the batter into mould.
5. bake at 180deg for 50mins.
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