However, do prepare around 9inch to 10inch for this :)
Heres the recipe and enjoy baking!
Cake Base:
1. Digestive biscuit base
2. 40g nibbed almond
Ingredient A
1. 500g cream cheese
2. 180g sugar ( you can reduce it slightly if dont like too sweet)
Ingredient B
1. 150g white chocolate, melted
Ingredient C
1. 5 eggs
Ingredient D
1. 200g sour cream
2. 1tbsp lemon juice
3. 1 lemon zest, grated
Ingredient E
1. 100g whipping cream
Ingredient F
1. 100g blueberries
Method (cake base)
1. add nibbed almond into digestive bisucit base and mix well. press onto bottom of 23cm springform tin.
2. bake at 160 deg for 10mins and set aside to cook.
Method (Filling)
1. Cream (A) until light and smooth. Add (B) and cream until well blend
2. Add (C) one at a time and cream until well combined.
3. Add (D) and cream until smooth. Add (E) and cream until well incorporated.
4. Sprinkle (F) over biscuit base and pour the cheese filing over blueberries.
5. bake in water bath at 160 deg for 60-70minus or until just set. Turn off the oven and remove the water bath. leave the cake in the oven with door slightly open for 30mins.
6. Remove cake from oven and set aside to cool. refrigerate for 5hours
7. release the cake from tin.
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